Party Beer Pong Regeln

Party Beer Pong Rules

Beer pong can be played professionally at tournaments as well as in a relaxed atmosphere at parties, festivals or family gatherings. The rules vary depending on the type of game, with stricter regulations being applied in tournament situations, particularly when prize money of several thousand euros is involved.

However, for those who just want to have fun with friends, we have put together the following party beer pong rules:

  1. Construction: A beer pong table consists of two sides, each side has 10 cups arranged in a pyramid. The cups are filled with beer or another drink and are located at the other end of the table.

  2. Teams: Beer Pong is usually played by two teams, each team consisting of one or two players.

  3. Throwing rules: Players take turns throwing balls into the cups on the opposing side. If a ball falls into a cup, the opposing player must empty the cup and remove it from play. If all cups on one side are removed from the game, that team wins.

  4. Elbow rule: The player may not exceed the edge of the table with his elbow during the throw.
  5. Rebounding: If a ball bounces off a cup, the shooter may throw the ball again as long as he catches it on his own half of the table. Some have the rule that the throw can only be carried out as a trick shot, for example blindfolded, over a wall or under the leg.

  6. Bounce shot: If the ball is thrown so that it first hits the table top before falling into a cup, the opposing team must drink two cups.
  7. Fouls: If a ball falls off the table during play or a player commits a violation, a foul may be called. In this case, the opposing player must make an additional throw.

  8. Redemption: In some Beer Pong games there is also a redemption round, in which a team that has already lost still has a chance to win the game, regardless of which team started. If the team hits all remaining cups, the game is considered a draw and the winner must be decided by a new round.

  9. Clean Cups: It is important to always use fresh cups and balls to ensure the best beer pong game possible. The cups should be cleaned well. For this we recommend using the CupCleaner5000 , which can be used to rinse the cups immediately after each hit. It is also beneficial to have a cup of clean water on the table to clean the balls before each throw.

Special rules/house rules:
It is important that players discuss the house rules before the game begins to avoid misunderstandings. House rules can vary from location to location, so it's important that all players are on the same page.

  1. Reorder: Cups may be rearranged as desired once per game. Or when there are 6 or 3 cups on the table. This makes it easier to hit cups that would otherwise be far apart.
  2. Iceland: If a cup is on the table so that it does not touch any other cup, it may be announced once per game. If there are two teams, this applies to both players. A hit on this cup then counts as two cups hit. However, if another cup is hit, the throw is invalid.
  3. Airball: A throw that does not touch the table or the edge of a cup is penalized. For example, a shot or a cup must be drunk from the table.
  4. On-Fire: If a player hits two throws in a row, he must declare “Heating-Up” and knock on the table. If he hits another cup, a total of three in a row, he is “on fire” and can continue throwing until he no longer hits.
  5. Defense: The ball may be defended by blowing or fingering, but only as long as it is within a cup and has not yet touched the drink. Here it is important to be honest with your opponents.

It is important to note that these rules do not apply to all Beer Pong games and there may always be house rules that vary from location to location. It is important that all players are informed of the rules before the game to avoid misunderstandings. Beer Pong is a fun drinking game that many people play in their free time, as long as it is enjoyed responsibly.

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